Born in El Paso, Texas, an area rich with tales of Pancho Villa and Benito Juárez, Yolanda Adele’s first experience with English occurred when she entered Kindergarten in East Los Angeles.
This collection of stories, poems and essays began taking shape when Adele joined a creative writing class that focused on memoir. An inveterate storyteller, Adele crafts her work with dialogue that comes from a place of truth. She is an authentic voice from her generation.
Describing her childhood in The House on New Jersey Street, Adele illuminates the world of a latch-key kid whose frequent and sole companion after school was her imagination. Women of all ages will identify with the angst and thrills of the young teenager in The Curse and Gypsies Stole My Heart. Creative Confessions and Mi Tía Bruja underscore the humor and optimism that helped Adele face life’s challenges. Infused throughout these stories are memories of the impact of her beloved grandmother Acacia.
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“In History, Mystery, and Loving Memories Yolanda Adele relays stories of struggle, love, triumph, and sometimes sorrow, each told with her signature style of warmth and humor. Whether she’s writing about her family, travels, or the simple pleasures of home, Yolanda has a unique ability to find beautiful moments in everyday life.”
—Eric Pierce, Editor, The Downey Patriot